More than once, a prospective client has asked us something to the effect of “Why should I pay you to do something that I think I can do myself?” The first time I was asked, I felt a little threatened. But as time goes on, I’ve realized that it’s a perfectly legitimate question to ask.
So when people ask the question, I put it to them like this: About a year ago, I purchased a home that needed to be renovated, and hired someone to do that work. Why did I hire someone? Actually, for the same reasons that it makes sense for a business owner that needs to settle or modify debt to hire a firm like ours:
1) Why muddle through when you have an expert who can guide you? You can try to learn as you go, or you can hire an expert who has been through this many times before. I suppose I could have gone to home depot, bought a book, read the town codes, done the work myself, and crossed my fingers and hope that I did it correctly. Of course, a book or the internet can only help you so much. As they say, there is no substitute for experience. In the case of a settlement, how much should you offer? What information should you disclose? What order do things go in? What documentation do you need?
2) Your time is valuable. You are busy with your day job. Why not let a seasoned expert take care of the your settlement so you can focus on your regular life. Attempting to work through a process that you’ve never been through before can be stressful, time consuming, and costly. Often times, a great settlement is not so much about what you offer, but more about what you don’t offer.
3) Trying to save a few bucks upfront can cost you thousands in the long run. This point was one that I learned the hard way after I tried to replace my bathroom floor, only to find out that it needed to be torn up in order to fix the plumbing. Much like that situation, you need to think about working with a workout consultant like this: By not hiring a workout professional, you might end up paying tens of thousands of dollars more than you needed to. It sounds very infomercial-ish, but my services usually pay for themselves.
Distressed Loan Advisors ( offers expert advice about dealing with SBA Loan Default and Forgiveness, and can be reached at . or..