August 2, 2018 5 Ways to Find Clients For Your Consulting Business When I started Distressed Loan Advisors 9 years ago, I knew I wanted to help people who were struggling to…Read more
August 16, 2018 Want Traffic To Your Website? Here’s my 1 Simple Method. You know, when I started my podcast only a few months ago, I was filled with determination. I was going…Read more
August 17, 2018 Marketing Isn’t An Event, It’s a Process If you’ve ever owned your own business, chances are that at some point, you’ve had to convince someone, somewhere that…Read more
August 20, 2018 Is My Idea Any Good? How To Test Your Big Idea I spend a lot of time stalking Reddit message boards, also known as a sub-reddits or subs, about entrepreneurship. Some…Read more
August 27, 2018 Digital Marketing: In Most Cases, Better Than Print Advertising (Duh) Marketing is essential to any business whether small or large. It is especially crucial to small businesses. Due to the…Read more
January 20, 2019 Proof That Google Isn’t Perfect For the past 2 years, I’ve busted my butt trying to convince Google that when it comes to the topic…Read more
June 6, 2019 Marketing: It’s Singles, Not Grand Slams, That Win The Game When I first started my business back in 2009, I was skeptical about the whole marketing and networking thing. I…Read more