You’ve launched a small business and now are thinking of taking it to the next level. But where can you find useful and actionable advice or get to learn some useful tips and tricks? The web is full of almost an endless number of websites offering information and advice. While that’s a great thing, it requires a lot of time and effort to find the most helpful ones. That’s why we’ve jotted down a list of 20 great sites dedicated to helping small businesses and entrepreneurs.
- Isaac Lidsky (
A Supreme Court clerk, child television actor and founder of ODC Construction, Isaac Lidsky is considered as one of the most eclectic figures in entrepreneurship. Though his company has provided frames and foundations of thousands of homes, Lidsky has never seen a single one of them as he is blind. The site mirrors his journey of incredible determination and courage.
- Gina Carr (
Widely known as the “Tribe Builder”, Gina Carr works with business leaders to help them attract more leads using content marketing, social media, search engine optimization etc. An expert on entrepreneurship, influence marketing and online reputation management, she holds the mission to empower and inspire people by connecting them with innovative ideas and to other people.
- Silvina Moschini (
An eminent international speaker, an award winning technology entrepreneur and industry expert, Silvina Moschini focuses on changing the way the world works in today’s digital economy. Co-founder of TransparentBusiness, she works with leading names like Google, Microsoft, Cisco etc and offers online education to empower women.
- Stacia Pierce (
An award winning motivational speaker, an author of about 21 books, and a doctorate degree holder in philosophy and religious studies, Stacia Pierce is considered as one of the great living examples of success. Entrepreneurs looking to learn the perfect way to prosper should turn to her site to know how she has built several businesses over the years.
- Amy Hoy (
Renowned tech-entrepreneur Amy Hoy’s site focuses on some unique approaches to develop a bootstrapped business while balancing quality of life. She, together with her friend Alex Hillman, creates entrepreneurship training ventures that help tech-entrepreneurs develop flourishing, sustainable businesses.
Now an associate professor at Harvard Business School and a former assistant professor at the Wharton School, Laura Huang holds an enviable work experience across Europe and Asia for corporations like IBM Global Services, Standard Chartered Bank etc. She offers insightful advice to entrepreneurs on general management, consulting and investment banking.
- Chuck Russell (
Co-founder of Collective Intelligence Inc, Chuck Russell is also the CEO and President of the Technology Council of Central Pennsylvania. His blogs at focuses on enterprise social computing, knowledge management and enterprise business intelligence.
- Cody Leslie (
Founder of Capital Collective Inc, Cody Leslie offers marketing services and business solutions to small businesses and entrepreneurs. His company mainly focuses on implementing unique business approaches that help small businesses grow their social media outreach.
- Damian Wolfgram (
A highly acclaimed product designer and executive in California, Damian Wolfgram loves to collaborate with small businesses and startups to create unique concept and design that attract business value. He aims to create products that not only improve people’s lives but expand consciousness as well.
- Scott Duffy (
An eminent keynote speaker, business coach and online personality, Scott Duffy is considered a great catalyst for creating breakthroughs in businesses. He shares his immaculate journey that exhibits his experience on the road to becoming a serial entrepreneur and business growth expert.
- Pascal Finette (
Entrepreneurship chair at Singularity University, and CEO & founder of Fastrack Institute, Pascal Finette solely focuses on fixing the society. Pascal shares his more than 20 years of experience in the IT industry to empower, educate and inspire leaders to manage the most tractable problems leveraging technologies.
- Joshua To (
Founder of Soup, and design director at Google, Joshua To has been always interested in developing extraordinary things across the domains of design and technology. If you need inspiration to have a fresh approach for solving big problems, or having the willingness to try things in small steps, this site is where you should head straight to.
- Derrick Minor (
The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Manager for the City of Raleigh, Derrick Minor focuses on connecting early-stage growth companies and startups to the resources they strongly need to develop and thrive within Raleigh. He brings in more than 15 years of experience of working across an array of different company stages.
- Susan Gunelius (
CEO and President of KeySplash Creative Inc. and a 20-year marketing veteran, Susan Gunelius has authored numerous highly acclaimed business books and directed marketing programs for some of the biggest names in the world. Through her award-winning blog “Women on Business”, Susan and her team offer thought leadership to women working in the business landscape.
- Gary Vaynerchuk (
An eminent speaker, author, serial entrepreneur and internet personality, and the CEO of VaynerMedia – Gary Vaynerchuk, is considered as one of the most sought after entrepreneurs. Having grown his family’s liquor business from a few million to $60 million together with exploring other avenues, Mr. Vaynerchuk offers his enthusiastic advice to his viewers, listeners and readers.
- Guy Kawasaki (
A highly acclaimed speaker, author of over a dozen books and Silicon Valley venture capitalist, Guy Kawasaki is one of the Apple employees who marketed the original Macintosh computer. He encourages entrepreneurs to keep on thinking constantly about the ways to set themselves apart from the pack.
- Tim Ferriss (
Being listed as one of “Names You Need to Know in 2011” of Forbes Magazine, Tim Ferriss is an angel investor and author of “The 4-Hour Workweek” that has been sold in 35 languages. His thoughts refine the way entrepreneurs think about failures, mentorship and the to-do lists through challenging assumptions about them.
- Mike Michalowicz (
Author of classic “The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur” and backbone of three multimillion dollar companies, Mike Michalowicz is a globally acclaimed entrepreneurial advocate. He loves to share advice and experiences with first time entrepreneurs to help them distinguish themselves from their competitors.
- Rebecca Fishman Lipsey (
CEO and founder of Radical Partners, Rebecca is the youngest person ever to serve a 4-year term on the Florida Board of Education. Apart from being heavily dedicated to develop a stronger and more equitable Miami, she serves on some nonprofit boards, and mentors and coaches minority leaders as well as women.
- Susan Amat (
A serial entrepreneur and the founder of Venture Hive, Susan Amat has been building businesses in the entertainment domain for more than a decade. She is an active, globally acclaimed speaker of entrepreneurship education and was honored as a “Champion of Change” at the White House in 2012.
Final Words
Among these sites, the most beneficial website is unquestionably the one that works the best for you. So, start browsing them today to see how you can benefit from the invaluable tips and advice these sites share.